Gift of Stock

Thank you for considering a stock donation to the USCAF.

Please email us at for instructions on how to make a donation using stock. A receipt will be emailed to you once the securities have settled in the USCAF account. The receipt will reflect the number of shares donated, and the date of receipt of the shares into our account. No specific value will be reflected on the receipt as there is no control by the USCAF as to when the shares, or funds from their sale will settle in our account.

Please complete the form below and let us know where you would like your funds applied to.

    % Retired staff and teachers

    % School labs

    % School cafeteria

    % Classroom furniture

    % Playgrounds

    % Swimming pool

    % USCAF General Fund

    We would also ask for you to consider making an additional pledge to contribute to the fund on an ongoing basis by filling in the pledge.

    A receipt will be emailed to you once the funds are deposited into the USCAF account.